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Defining a Hot-Spare Drive (ServeRAID)

Defining a Hot-Spare Drive

You can define a hot-spare drive from the Create/Delete Array/Log. Drive menu or the Rebuild/Device Management menu (see 'Defining the State of a Drive').

To define a drive as a hot-spare drive from the Create/Delete Array/Log. Drive menu:
  1.  Start the RAID configuration program 'Starting the ServeRAID Configuration Program'
  2.  Select Create/Delete Array/Log. Drive  from the Main Menu. The following screen appears.


  3.  Select Define/Undefine Hot-spare Drive.  The cursor will become active in the Bay/Array selection list.
  4.  Use the Up Arrow (  ) key or the Down  Arrow  (  ) key to highlight the RDY  (ready) drive  you want to define as the hot spare, then  press Enter. The RDY changes to HSP (hot spare). You can  press Enter again to toggle  between HSP and RDY.
  5.  Press Esc when you have finished. The cursor  will become active in the Create/Delete Array/Log. Drive
  6.  If you want to create a disk array, go to 'Creating a Disk Array'.
  7.  If you are finished:

    1.  Select Exit or press Esc.  A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm your change.

    2.  Note:  The changes you make are not saved until you  confirm them  by selecting Yes in the Confirm pop-up window.

    3.  Select No if you do not want the  drive you selected to be a hot spare,  select Yes to define it as a hot-spare drive.
    4.  Back up the disk-array  configuration information to diskette.  Refer to 'Backing Up the Disk-Array'  for instructions.

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