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Beep Codes (Netfinity 7000 - 8651)

Beep Codes

Beep Code    FRU/Action.
1 Beep 1. Check memory in J2,J3,J4,J5
(Refresh failure) 2. Memory DIMMs
  3. Memory Board
2 Beeps 1. Check memory
(Parity can't be reset) 2. Memory DIMMs
  3. Memory Board
3 Beeps 1. Check memory
(First 64KB memory failure) 2. Memory DIMMs
  3. Memory Board
  4. Processor Board
  5. System Board
4 Beeps 1. Check processor board
(Timer not operational) 2. Check System Board
  3. System Board
5 Beeps 1. Reseat processor module
(Processor failure) 2. Processor Board
  3. System Board
6 Beeps 1. Reseat processor module
(8042 gate a20 is off v_mode) 2. System Board
  3. Processor Board
7 Beeps 1. Check cables
(Exception interrupt error) 2. Processor Board
  3. System Board
8 Beeps 1. Check/Install Video RAM
(Display memory read/write error 2. System Board
9 Beeps 1. Update BIOS
(ROM checksum error) 2. System Board
10 Beeps 1. System Board
(Shutdown register
read/write error)
11 Beeps 1. Reseat Processor and Memory Module
(I2C Error). 2. Check cabling for Information
      Panel and Advanced Server
  3. Advanced Server Mgmt. Adapter
  4. Front Panel
  5. System Board

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