IMPORTANT: After download the appropriate BIOS zip file from Supermicro FTP site, please unzip to a DOS bootable diskette before following the correct flash procedure. SMBFLAH.COM utility is not suitable for all motherboards. Supermicro has no responsibility for any damaged to the BIOS, by applying this flash utility. * For P5MMA/P5MMS boards, please change jumper J7 from pins 2-3 to pins 1-2 position to disable boot block protection and follow BIOS FLASH PROCEDURE A to update BIOS. NOTE: J7 not JP7! * For all Supermicro P6XXX motherboards, please follow BIOS FLASH PROCEDURE B or C to update BIOS. * For P5STE, P5STD, and P5STD/m motherboards, please follow BIOS FLASH PROCEDURE D to update BIOS. * For any Supermicro motherboards not listed, please contact our RMA dept. (408) 895-2000 ext. 2155 for a new BIOS chip. BIOS FLASHING PROCEDURE A The BIOS image files are MMAxxxx.ROM for P5MMA/P5MMA98 and MMSxxxx.ROM for P5MMS/P5MMS98 motherboards. 1. Power off system. 2. Boot system to DOS prompt from hard disk or floppy disk drive. 3. At the DOS prompt (Not under Windows 95's MS-DOS command) change to A:\ drive and type smbflash biosfilename . 4. After BIOS upgrade is complete, answer "Yes" when program prompts to reboot system. 5. When system reboots, power off system and change J7 back to pins 2-3. 6. Power on the system again and updated BIOS revision will be displayed. BIOS FLASHING PROCEDURE B The BIOS downloading files is SxSxxxx.ROM for P6SAS, P6SKS, P6SAE, P6SNE II, P6DLF, and P6DLS motherboards. 1. Power off system 2. Boot system to DOS prompt from hard disk or floppy disk drive. 3. At the DOS prompt (Not under Windows 95's MS-DOS command), change to A:\ drive and type smbflash biosfilename.rom . 4. After BIOS upgrade is complete answer Yes when program prompts to reboot system. 5. Power on system again and updated BIOS revision on top of boot screen should be displayed. BIOS FLASHING PROCEDURE C: The BIOS image file is xxxxxxx.ROM for P5DKF, P6DKE, P6DNE, P6DNF rev. 3 ONLY, P6SNE, P6SNF, P6SNS and P6SNA motherboards. 1. Power off system 2. Boot system to DOS prompt from hard disk or floppy disk drive. 3. At the DOS prompt (Not under Windows 95's MS-DOS command), change to A:\ drive and type smbflash biosfilename.rom . 4. After BIOS upgrade is complete answer Yes when program prompts to reboot system. 5. Power on system again and updated BIOS revision on top of boot screen should be displayed. BIOS FLASHING PROCEDURE D: The BIOS downloading file is xxxxxxx.ROM for P5STE, P5STD and P5STD/m and P6DNF rev. 1 motherboards. 1. Rename the file xxxxxx.ROM to SUPER.ROM. 2. Insert the diskette with SUPER.ROM file into drive A 3. Press and hold "Ctrl"+"Home" on the keyboard then power on system. 4. Release the hot keys after the floppy drive is accessed. 5. BIOS is being flash updated, system will reboot after the update is complete. 6. Check system boot screen and ensure the BIOS revision number has updated.