VIA-ApolloProPlus / ApolloPro133, (BabyAT) Motherboard - Award BIOS (VT83C693+VT82C596B, VT82C693A+VT82C596B) -Model 887 -Model 939/C939 -Model 941/C941 -Model 903/C903 -Model 904/C904 -Model 909/C909 .V1009IAG.BIN For ITE Super IO chip .2MBit (256KByte) Flash IC .updated Award's Core in Oct/2000 .fixed Floopy Access Failure (two CD-ROM attached) of previous BIOS (July/2000) .corrected Win98SE Shut Down issue (with PS/2 mouse) of previous BIOS (Sept/2000) Remark: ====== Please ignore the "part number mismatch" warning when you do a Flash Upgrade from older BIOS version. Oct/2000