BIOS Revision History

Bios name



Checksum: 3E00             Date:05/13/05

1. Initial release


Checksum: AC00             Date:07/11/05

1. Added code to detect PS2 mouse.

2. Remove EPA LOGO.

3. Remove "USB Wakeup from S3" item, default is enabled.
4. Remove "IDE DMA Transfer" item, default is enabled.
5. Added "HDD Security Freeze Lock" function.
6. Fixed BIOS can't clear overclock CPU frequency when clear CMOS.
7. Update new CPU micro code.
8. Fixed Intel SELFTEST version 4.7.3 issue.
9. Fixed when plug PCI-E card and pull out battery and Reset, without save CMOS or Press "F1" to pass POST PCI-E card will hand on post 66h at first time.
10. Fixed Smithfield 840 CPU EIST function work abnormally.
11. Fixed DOS MBI utility issue.
12. Added code to detect SATA1/2 distinguishment during POST.
13. Fixed can't detect SATA HDD after clear CMOS
14. Fixed HDD freeze function fail after S3 resume
15. Changed "HDD security freeze function" default setting Enable.


Checksum: 6200             Date:07/26/05

1. Change VBIOS version to 1224.

2. Patch Intel Selftest Utility issue.

3. Fixed DRAM timing(tRAS) abnormal in WINXP/BIOS.


Checksum: 3E00             Date:08/18/05

1. DualCore CPU Temp incorrect in HW monitor.

2. Fixed mass production of 830/840 always set multiplier as 14X.

3. Set Smart Fan to Full speed when CPU reach to 85C.

1.  Increase 6cm system fan's RPM to improve the airflow inside system.


Checksum: 5D00             Date:09/21/05

1.  Increase 6cm system fan's RPM to improve the airflow inside system.


Checksum: 6C00             Date:11/28/05

1.Fixed CPU loading too high under AHCI mode.


Checksum: D900             Date:05/16/06

1.Set "HDD Security Lock Freeze" default to disable

2.Change Shuttle Logo.


Checksum: C100             Date:09/25/06

1. Fixed 915 & 945 CPU EIST function fail

2. Add "EIST CPU Supported" string on post screen

3. Fixed Nvidia 7950 no display if VGA setting by Auto.

4. Fixed PCI-E x4 card can't boot
