Official BIOS release BA for SR7-8X Release information: [ENGLISH] 1. Fix occasionally hangs up issue with SiS Xabre AGP 8X graphic card. 2. Enhance the system performance. 3. Auto detect the multiplier factor for P4 Willamette CPU. 4. Fix occasionally boot into Windows XP slowly. 5. BIOS compile Date: 8/26/2002 [TRADITIONAL CHINESE] 1. 修正使用 SiS Xabre AGP 8X 顯示卡偶而會開機時卡住的問題。 2. 提升系統效能。 3. 當使用 P4 Willamette CPU 的時候自動判別 CPU 倍頻。 4. 修正偶而開啟 Windows XP 作業系統時需要等待比較久的時間。 5. BIOS 日期: 8/26/2002。 ********************************* NOTE ********************************* 1. How to upgrade BIOS: a. Boot into MS-DOS or "Safe mode and command prompt" if you are using Windows95/98 b. Run "sr7ba.exe" to extract all files. c. Run "runme.bat" d. For more detail, please visit: (Chinese) (English) 2.After BIOS updated, pull off the power core and then clear the CMOS data via jumper before restarting system please. ============================================================================.