Official BIOS release 6H for BD7/BD7-RAID V1.0 Release information: [ENGLISH] 1. Add "High Performance" option in "Load Optimized Defaults". "High Performance" option will use critical DDR memory timing settings to achieve high system performance, nevertheless, it may deviate the original settings from module SPD and cause system instability. 2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected. 3. BIOS compile date: 12/03/2001 [TRADITIONAL CHINESE] 1. 於 "Load Optimized Defaults" 選項中,新增 "High Performance" 功能選項。 "High Performance" 選項必須使用到較嚴苛的 DDR記憶體 timing 設定,來達到 較高效能的表現。然而,因為它可能與原始的 SPD 設定差異太大而造成系統 不穩定。 2. HPT 37x BIOS 版本 2.0.1024。 適用於 BD7-RAID。本 BIOS 同時適用於非 RAID 之主機板上。當 BIOS 偵測到您使用的主機板不含 RAID 時將會自動 disable HPT BIOS。 3. BIOS 日期: 12/03/2001. ********************************* NOTE ********************************* 1. How to upgrade BIOS: a. Boot into MS-DOS or "Safe mode and command prompt" if you are using Windows95/98 b. Run "bd74x.exe" to extract all files. c. Run "runme.bat" *** Please notice that we suggest you flashing the bios with switches "/py /sn /cd /cp /cc /cks /R" or by "runme.bat". d. For more detail, please visit: (Chinese) (English) 2.After BIOS updated, pull off the power core and then clear the CMOS data via jumper before restarting system please. ============================================================================.