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Record number: H164358
Device: D/T8651
Model: M
Hit count: UHC00000
Success count: USC0000
Publication code: PC50
Tip key:
Date created: O98/06/02
Date last altered: A98/08/10
Owning B.U.: USA
The System reboots itself for no visibly apparent reason.
All of the following must be true for this TIP to apply:
PC Server 310 Type 8639
PC Server 315 Type 8638
PC Server 320 Type 8640 (EISA)
PC Server 325 Type 8639
PC Server 330 Type 8640
PC Server 520 Type 8641 (EISA)
PC Server 704 Type 8650
PC Server 720 Type 8642
Netfinity 3000 server Type 8476
Netfinity 3500 server Type 8644
Netfinity 7000 server Type 8651
Windows NT version 3.51 or 4.0
Novell NetWare version 3.12, 4.0, 4.01, 4.11
OS/2 Warp version 3.0 or 4.0
* Proper configuration of the Advanced Systems Management
Adapter is defined as the conformance to the "Adapter
Installation Instructions" and the "Adapter and System
Configuration" sections listed in the "Advanced Systems
Management Adapter Installation Instructions" booklet that
ships with the Adapter Option and is also available online
at the IBM Website (see step 1 in the FIX section of this
document for URL and search directions).
The fix for this unexpected System reboot is made in the ASMA
Ram Microcode AND the Device Drivers. The following describes
how to implement updates to both to incorporate these fixes:
hp2. http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/files.html
The file is a self-extracting executable file that creates a diskette.
NOTE: To view the online copy of the Advanced Systems Management Adapter Installation Instructions use the keywords "Management Adapter Instructions", then select "Search". Select the file to view.
Local Update (At the Server)
Remote Update (Dialed-in to the ASMA from another computer)
Refer to page 38 of "Service Processor Manager for Netfinity User's Guide" to execute the following 4 steps.
Note: Completion of the Microcode Update will result in a disconnect of the remote connection to the Server requiring that a remote connection is re-established to remotely Power Up the Server.
It is recommended that the ASMA drivers are updated after
upgrading the ASMA RAM Microcode (the ASMA Driver update may
be done locally or remotely).
Local Update (at the Server):
For NT:
For OS/2:
For NetWare (requires local and remote access):
IBM has made changes to the microcode to make the Watchdog
timers more robust. IBM has also made changes to the device
drivers for NT, OS/2, and NetWare to improve how the drivers
function within the Network Operating System. IBM recommends
that you apply both updates to take full benefit of these changes.
NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
NetWare is a trademark of Novell, Inc.
Please see the LEGAL - Trademark notice.
Feel free - send a for any BUG on this page found - Thank you.