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Country | IBM-Location | BBS Tel. # | Speed (bps) |
USA | Raleigh, NC | 1-919-517-0001 1-919-517-8001 |
2.400-14.400 |
Australia | Sydney | (61) 2-9899 8311 | <= 14.400 |
Belgium | Diegem | (32) 2-725-60-10 | <= 28.800 |
Brazil | Sao Paulo | (55) 11-889-0065 | <= 19.200 |
Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | (55) 21-542-8332 | <= 19.200 |
Canada | Vancouver | 604-664-6464 | <= 28.800 |
Canada | Toronto | 905-316-4255 905-316-4244 416-956-7877 |
<= 28.800 |
Canada | Montreal | 514-938-3022 | <= 28.800 |
Canada | Winnipeg | 204-934-2735 | <= 28.800 |
Denmark | Lyngby | (45) 45 96 50 77 | <= 28.800 |
France | Paris | (33) 1-43050303 | <= 14.400 |
Germany | Ehningen | (49) 7034-15-2160 | <= 57.600 |
Italy and SEMEA | Milan | (39) 2-7534412 | <= 14.400 |
Netherlands | Utrecht | (31) 30-334711 (31) 30-334412 |
<= 14.400 |
New Zealand | Auckland Christchurch Wellington |
(64) 9-385-8716 (64) 3-372-8948 (64) 4-576-5583 |
<= 14.400 <= 14.400 <= 14.400 |
Norway | Oslo | (47) 66 99 94 50 | <= 28.800 |
Singapore | Singapore | (65) 227-7827 | <= 9.600 |
South Africa | Johannesburg | (27) 11-331-5505 | <= 14.400 |
Spain | Madrid | (34) 1-397-5580 (34) 1-397-5581 (34) 1-397-5873 (34) 1-397-5963 |
<= 14.400 |
Sweden | Stockholm | (46) 8-7932200 | <= 14.400 |
Switzerland | Aarau | (41) 62 889 79 88 | <= 64-KB |
United Kingdom | Basingstoke | (44) 0256-336655 | <= 12.000 |
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