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04/04/96 wjp
NetFinity 'Wake-on-LAN' Checklist
For best results, we recommend that you install NetFinity
(PC SystemView) Version 4.00 or later at both the administrator's
workstation and at the machine targetted for wake-up.
Do you have an Ethernet card or NO The network card
Token Ring card which includes the -------------->must be capable of
'wakeup-on-lan' function detecting the 'magic
(e.g. Panther) in the target machine? packet' to initiate
| a wake-up.
Is the target machine a Firepower or NO The system unit must
Flashpoint (or some other 'wakeup on -------------->be capable of reacting
lan' enabled system unit)? to the wake-up signal
| from the network
YES | adapter.
=============== |
Is the target system configured NO The wake-up function
to allow 'wakeup-on-lan'? -------------->must be enabled
(Under SurePath Setup, check using the machine
Advanced Power Management/ setup program.
Automatic Power On/LAN Wake Up).
======== |
Is NetFinity Vers 3.05 or later NO Older versions of
installed on the target machine? -------------->NetFinity are not
| 'wake-up' aware and
YES | will not tell the
| NetFinity manager that
| this capability exists.
Is the 'wakonlan.dll' properly NO This DLL tells
installed on the target machine? -------------->NetFinity whether
| the feature is
YES | available or not.
| (See note 1.)
If the target machine is running NO WAKONLAN.DLL requires
OS/2, is the PNPDRV.SYS driver -------------->this driver.
installed? (Check CONFIG.SYS) (See note 1.)
Is NetFinity Vers 3.06 or later NO Older versions
installed on the administrator -------------->of NetFinity do
machine (the machine attempting not know how to
to initiate a wake-up) send the 'magic
| packet'.
Can the target machine determine NO The TCP/IP protocol
it's own MAC address (answer YES if -------------->does not provide
ANY of the following are TRUE): an API that allows
NetFinity to
a) You intend to manage the target determine the MAC
machine using IPX and the NetFinity address of the
IPX protocol driver is enabled at network adapter
the target machine, OR (which MUST be known
b) You intend to manage the target to initiate a wakeup).
machine using NETBIOS and the NetFinity Starting with NF 3.06,
NETBIOS protocol driver is enabled the TCP/IP driver can
at the target machine, OR acquire this info from
c) You intend to manage the target IPX or NETBIOS if one
machine using TCP/IP and the NetFinity of those drivers is
TCP/IP protocol driver is enabled also enabled.
at the target machine
protocol drivers are enabled at the
target machine.
Can the administrator machine NO NETBIOS broadcasts are
generate a wake-up 'magic packet'? -------------->not true broadcasts
(answer YES if ANY of the following in the sense that IPX
are TRUE): and IP broadcasts are.
a) The administrator machine is using not provide a
NetFinity Ver 3.06 or later and mechanism for sending
the IPX protocol driver is enabled, the type of broadcast
b) The administrator machine is using that 'wake-on-lan'
NetFinity Ver 4.0 or later and the requires. NetFinity
TCP/IP protocol driver is enabled will use IPX or IP to
| send a wake-up packet
| to a NETBIOS machine
| if they are available
The target machine is running NetFinity
Version 3.06 or later
protocol drivers are enabled at the
| if they are available
YES | at the admin machine.
Is the Token Ring format of the MAC NO Under 16 bit Windows,
address being sent to the target -------------->NETBIOS may report the
machine in the wake-up frame if needed? Token Ring format of
(Answer YES if any of the following are TRUE): the MAC address instead
of the real burned-in
a) The target machine is using the Token MAC address needed to
Ring version of the wake-up LAN adapter wake the card. Starting
(as opposed to Ethernet), with Version 4.0,
b) The target machine is not running Windows NetFinity will send the
3.1 or Windows 95, wake-up frame using
c) The administrator machine is using both the reported MAC
NetFinity 4.0 or later addresses and the Token
| Ring format of the
YES | reported address.
If the target machine is running NO The MAC address that is
Windows 95, does the MAC address -------------->reported to NetFinity
in the Win 95 configuration match is the one that appears
the actual address of the card? in the 'Network
'Neighborhood'. If it
To check this, does not match the
a) right click on 'Network real address burned
Neighborhood', into the network card,
b) select 'Properties', the card will not
c) Find the network card which respond to the 'magic
has wake-up capabilities packets' when they are
(and select it), sent.
d) Select 'Properties',
e) Select 'Advanced',
f) Verify or correct the 'Value'
of the 'Network Address'.
It should match the value
reported by the LANAID
configuration utility that
came with the card.
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Are 'Locally Administered Addresses' YES The use of LAA's
being used at the target machine? -------------->interferes with Net-
| Finity's ability to
NO | determine the real
| MAC address of the
| network adapter.
Will IP or IPX broadcast frames sent NO Some equipment in the
from the admin machine be able to -------------->network (e.g., hubs,
pass through the network to the portion bridges, routers) may
of the network where the target machine be configured to pass
resides? only selected protocols
| or to block broadcasts.
===== |
Did you wait one presence check NO NetFinity Manager does
interval (the default value is 10 minutes --------->not learn about a
but can be changed) or perform a presence system's ability to
check on the system after it was support wake-up during
discovered into a group. (See note 2.) the initial discovery
| but does detect this
YES | capability on
| subsequent presence
| checks.
Find the target system icon in the appropriate group(s) under
the NetFinity Remote System Manager. (Multiple icons for the
target machine may be present in the group if the machine is
accessible via more than one network protocol.) Find the icon
which represents the target machine via the IPX or NETBIOS network.
(Easiest to do using the 'detail view'.) From the context menu for
that system (i.e., right mouse click on the target machine's
icon or name) the 'wake up' option should appear. It will be gray
and non-selectable if the system is currently on-line and selectable
if the system is off-line.)
If the target machine is running NetFinity Vers 3.06 or later and
has both TCP/IP and IPX protocol support (or TCP/IP and NETBIOS)
then the icon representing the target machine via the TCP/IP network
should also present the 'wake up' option on the context menu.
If the wake-up function still does not appear on the menu or does not work,
carefully review your answers to the questions asked above and
then suspect a hardware or installation problem. The network adapter
must be properly cabled to the planar board. (Early systems had a
problem with a two conductor wire between the network card and the planar
being reversed. If the cable is reversed another symptom that should be
apparent is that the main power button will not power the system on and off
correctly. If it is necessary to reverse the cable, pull the power plug
from the wall before reversing the cable - remember that these machines
remain partially powered internally even when they appear to be off.)
(1) - The 'wakonlan' DLL is used by NetFinity to determine whether
the network card in the target system is capable of being
awaken. If you do not have the 'wakonlan' DLL (or if the
version of the DLL that you have does not support the network
card which you are using), you may override the result returned
from the DLL using an environment variable:
will cause NetFinity to believe that the function is available
regardless of 'wakonlan.dll'. Likewise,
will disable the feature.
If the environment variable is used, WAKONLAN.DLL and PNPDRV.SYS
are not required on the target system.
(2) - The default interval between presence checks is 10 minutes.
To verify or change the value, click the right mouse button
on a system icon and select System Notifications from the menu.
To initiate a Presence Check manually, select Presence Check
from the same menu.
Assalam Alaikum (May the Peace of God be upon you),
Allyson Swelam
01/30/97 TB
Additional notes for setting up Wake-On-LAN
1. NetBIOS alone is not enough to wake up a sleeping machine. If you
manage via NetBIOS you must also have either TCP/IP or IPX loaded
as NetBIOS alone is not capable of generating the magic packet.
2. You need to specify the NFWAKEONLAN=YES environment variable on
the machine you are trying to wake up. This is done differently for
various operating systems. If you are using NT, insure that you set it
as a "System Variable" rather than a "User Variable." This is done
through ControlPanel/System. For Win95 use a set statement in
autoexec.bat, for OS/2 use a set statement in config.sys.
3. If you are using TokenRing, make sure the port is active while the
machine is powered OFF. I know this seems odd, but if the machine is
not on the ring it cannot receive a magic packet. If this doesn't
happen, you probably have not enabled WakeonLAN in system BIOS or
you do not have the adapter cabled properly to the system board
and/or power supply.
Tracy Byrd, PCCo HelpCenter
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