IBM-AUSTRIA - PC-HW-Support 30 Aug 1999 |
ECA 008 - 2401 errors
ECA 009 - 2401 errors
8512 - 2401 errors, changing or flickering colors
Provide a replacement 8512 color display for failing 8512 displays that
meet all three following specifications:
- serial number with a "72" prefix.
- serial number range
a. 72-0000000 thru 72-0540000 --- ECA expires 2/29/92.
b. 72-0540000 thru 72-0650000 --- ECA expires 6/30/92.
- display exhibits failing symptoms as described in
the "detail" section of this ECA:.
A limited number of 8512 color displays may fail, causing a
2401 error during Power-ON Self Test (POST), or a 2402 or 2409
error code when VGA Advanced Diagnostics are executed.
The problem may also appear as flickering or changing colors
on the display during use. These symptoms may be very
intermittent. A 2401 error code can be bypassed in most
cases by pressing the "F1" key. Subsequent operation will
not harm the display or system unit.
2401, 2402, 2409, and 2410 error codes may be caused by either
a defective display or system unit planar board. The following
symptom and action chart will help to minimize unnecessary
replacement of the system unit planar board. 2401 is a POST
error; 2402, 2409, and 2410 are Advanced Diagnostic error codes.
Reported symptom Corrective action
Customer reports flickering or
Changing colors on the display Replace the 8512
with no error code occurring: color display.
2401 or 2402 error displayed in a
color other than white on a black Replace the 8512
background: color display.
2401, 2402, or 2410 error displayed
in white numbers on black background, Replace the system
and no reported flickering or changing unit planar board.
colors on the display: * see notes below.
2409 error code Replace the 8512 color display.
* Only an 8512 display replacement will be covered by this
ECA:. System unit planar board replacement must be done
consistent with the terms and conditions of the system unit
if warranty or service agreement if applicable.
If customer provides "proof of purchase" this ECA is effective
for three (3) years from date of purchase.
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