IBM-AUSTRIA - PC-HW-Support 30 Aug 1999 |
Diamond Stealth - OS/2
PROBLEM - PS/Valuepoint 6384 P60/D systems with a Diamond Stealth 24 ISA adapter
running OS/2 may fail with blank or distorted video during the following operation:
Access an OS/2 or DOS full screen
- control+esc to the OS/2 desktop
- re-access the OS/2 or DOS full screen
When the OS/2 or DOS full screen is accessed again, the display may
either be blank or distorted.
Machines AFFECTED - Valuepoint 6384 P60/D systems.
SOLUTION - A conflict exists between the PS/Valuepoint P60/D parallel port address and
VGA. The conflict may be eliminated using the following steps:
- access the configuration utility by pressing F1 during memory count
- set the parallel port base address to 278 or 378
More INFORMATION / HELP is available at the IBM-HelpCenter
Please see the LEGAL - Trademark notice.
Feel free - send a for any BUG on this page found - Thank you.