super VGA 640x480x256 large fonts
super VGA 640x480x256 small fonts
super VGA 800x600x256 large fonts
super VGA 800x600x256 small fonts
super VGA 1024x768x256 large fonts
super VGA 1024x768x256 small fonts
Machines AFFECTED - Valuepoint 6382/S, 6384/D, and 6387/T systems.
SOLUTION - The above video modes are not compatible with the S3 chipset integrated into
the PS/Valuepoint 6382/S, 6384/D, and 6387/T or with S3 based graphics adapters.
Utilize the S3 device driver selections when performing the Windows display setup. The S3
drivers are provided with the PS/Valuepoint system and will eliminate this error condition.
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