IBM-AUSTRIA - PC-HW-Support 30 Aug 1999 |
Why this EPRM - Acknowledgments
Why this EPRM / Acknowledgments
This documentation should help any IBM-trained technician (Dealer,Business Partner and maybe
other persons who have needs for FRU P/N references. It should help, to make life easier
and to 'DO IT RIGHT the FIRST TIME', because this will help us to have satisfied
customers. This is also a faster way, to get actual information out to the field.
Lastly, but I think most IMPORTANTLY. If anyone, anywhere finds an EPRM-Bug, then please REPORT your
findings to me.
The following is my own priority list:
- EPRM Bug-changes (maybe your BUG-Report)
- Update (Hint and tips, latest news)
- NEW Machine Types
- NEW Options (OBI)
- Answering questions, about EPRM
Writing a EPRM is like a never ending story... there are new machine types to add,
changes/updates, latest news and much more, every day/hour. But nevertheless I will do
my best, and put all relevant informations into the EPRM's, when available and time
enough to do so, because most is privat done (Homebrewed).
And now, let's start with Acknoledgments and Thank's
This booklet only could be done, because there exist the IBM-OS/2 IPF-Compiler
for creating INF/HLP files. Thank's to this programmer(s), who built these
simple to use, efficient famous TAG-language and the OS/2 IPF-Compiler.
Most section's inside the EPRM are 'STOLEN' from other IBM sources, as there are
HMMs / REDBOOKs / OBI-Guides ... but no IBM-Confidential literature, or literature
exclusively selled by IBM. They are only converted/rearranged and transferred to another media, and
newly chained together. So, many Thank's to Harry Wilmot and all other unknown Author's.
In August-1995 the IBM-Greenock community start to help, providing me with
text and graphic source code, so I can do it a faster way... building capters and pictures... Many
thanks to the following people, for their cooperation and kindness:
David Hogg
Yvonne Ashcraft (Raleigh USA)
Gregory F. Burton Senior Program Administrator (USA)
Mark Langenbach (Raleigh USA)
Phillip Ravenscraft (Atlanta USA)
Carlos Parra (Canada)
Peter STEY (IBM Germany - Mainz)
Rinaldo PECORARI (IBM Italy - HW Support)
Many thank's to the Austrian FSG crew, (Beta-tester) especially to:
Andreas BAUER - Karl BRUNNBAUER - Christian BUTTA - Robert FILLAFER - Gabriele FLOH
Josef LECHNER - Andreas PLANK - Herbert RABL - Alberto SEPIA - Wolfgang ZUGRAV
and to Manfred BRAUN - Günter ROZUMILOVSKY
Thank's, to all
IBM-Dealer and IBM-colleagues all over Europe, may have some
problems with all the previous and current releases, but please do
not stop reporting errors, so we can make life a little bit easier (current and also in
future times).
To my colleague and Co-writer
Willy Florschütz
And last to my wife LINDA understanding why this is important and
everytime I have need, supporting her husband with coffee.
Friedrich Schmieder
IBM internal to schmiedef@vnet.ibm.com
- or -
via Internet to fschmieder@hotmail.com
or privat to schmied@ibm.net
The IPF-Compiler (Information Presentation Facility) is a part of
IBM-OS/2 Developer's Toolkit.
The EPRMx document's contain 7785 pages (appr. 693242 text-lines, 3071 artworks - 7035 times used, 18860 internal and
2749 external links.)
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Feel free - send a for any BUG on this page found - Thank you.