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Setup (BIOS Utility 8640-300)

Setup (BIOS Utility)

You can start the Setup Utility program during the POST or in any DOS Full Screen. However, the procedure for starting the Setup Utility program during the POST depends on the machine type of the computer you are servicing.

  1.  If a configuration error occurs during POST, press F1 to bypass the error.  (A configuration error message appears before the operating system loads.)
  2.  DO NOT start the Setup Utility while using the EISA Configuration diskette.
  3.  The EISA Configuration diskette must be used to configure computers that have EISA configuration.  For information on how to use the EISA Configuration diskette, refer to the documentation shipped with the  system.
  4.  The procedure for starting the Set Utility will not work in an OS/2 DOS Window.

Starting Setup During the POST: To start the program during the Post do the following.
  1.  Power-On the computer
  2.  During the POST memory test, press and then release the Spacebar, then press and  release the CTRL+Alt+S keys simultaneously.

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