5.0 Chapter 5. Using DOS 5.0, Windows, and QEMM-386
You can use the LAN Support Program Custom Version 1.01 with the memory
management features of DOS 5.0. You can also use Microsoft Windows(**)
and the Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager-386(**) (QEMM-386(**)) Version
6.02 or higher, with DOS 5.0. This chapter offers information about using
the LAN Support Program Custom with these memory management programs.
5.1 Hardware Requirements
The computer you use must be supported by the LAN Support Program Custom.
For Windows, the computer must have the following features:
1. An Intel® 286 or better processor. Only Windows standard mode is
supported on the 286 processor.
2. At least enhanced graphics adapter (EGA) level graphics.
For QEMM-386, the computer must have an Intel® 386 or better processor.
5.2 Installing the Software
If you are doing a new installation, IBM recommends that you install the
software in the following order:
1. DOS
2. LAN Support Program Custom Version 1.01
3. DOS LAN Requester (DLR) or other LAN requester software
4. Windows
5. QEMM-386.
If you are not using Windows, install QEMM-386 after DLR. If QEMM-386 is
already on the system, you can install and update the LAN Support Program
Custom without reloading QEMM-386. However, in almost all cases, you will
have to rerun the QEMM-386 Optimize program.
5.3 Setting the DXMT0MOD.SYS Parameter CALL.FAR
When running the LAN Support Program Custom with Windows, QEMM-386, or any
other protect-mode application such as a memory manager or DOS extender,
the CALL.FAR (CF) parameter of the NETBIOS device driver DXMT0MOD.SYS
should be set to Y. You can set this parameter manually or you can use
the Installation Aid. To use the Installation Aid, select Change
parameters (F5) from the configuration panel that displays the device
drivers to be installed. See "NETBIOS Device Driver Keyword Parameter
Descriptions" in topic 4.4.3 for more information about CALL.FAR.
5.4 Using the Installation Aid for Reconfiguration
You can use the LAN Support Program Installation Aid to reconfigure the
LAN Support Program after it has been configured using QEMM-386 or one of
the other memory managers. If appropriate, the Installation Aid preserves
any CONFIG.SYS words that are used to load memory high, such as
may appear on the lines that load the LAN Support Program Custom device
drivers. The statements are preserved if the drivers being loaded are
still used in the new configuration. For example, if one of the
statements in CONFIG.SYS is DEVICEHIGH=DXMC0MOD.SYS and the new
configuration uses this device driver, the Installation Aid keeps the
statement. The statement is removed only if the new configuration no
longer uses the driver. See "Reconfiguring with LAN Support Program
Custom" in topic 2.3 for more information.
If a device driver is chosen that was not in the previous configuration,
the Installation Aid loads the new driver low in memory, using a statement
such as DEVICE=\LSP\DXMC0MOD.SYS. You must do a new configuration using a
memory manager for the new driver if you want it loaded in high memory.
5.5 Hints for Using DOS 5.0
DOS 5.0 offers memory management features that affect the configuration of
the LAN Support Program Custom. Unlike QEMM-386, DOS 5.0 does not have an
optimization utility.
The following examples apply to the adapter with which the LAN Support
Program Custom is shipped. This is a token-ring network shared RAM
adapter. When using this adapter with a memory manager, you need to know
the addresses of the ROM and shared RAM.
To use DOS 5.0, first move ROM and shared RAM into contiguous memory. Use
the switches on the adapter to set the ROM address. To set the shared RAM
address, set the shared RAM address parameter for the device driver
DXMC0MOD.SYS. (See "Shared RAM" in topic 4.3.7 and "Parameters for
DXMC0MOD.SYS" in topic 4.3 for more information.)
After you set the addresses for ROM and shared RAM, configure EMM386.EXE,
which is the expanded memory manager for DOS 5.0. Use the X= parameter in
EMM386.EXE so that the memory addresses used by the ROM and shared RAM
areas are excluded. Refer to the Disk Operating System User's Guide for
your version of DOS for instructions on using the X= parameter.
You need to do this to ensure that the memory addresses used by the
token-ring network adapter do not conflict with any of the addresses used
by EMM386.EXE. If you do not exclude the ROM and shared RAM areas, the
following message is displayed and the LAN Support Program Custom does not
Two examples follow, showing how to load EMM386.EXE and the device
For a token-ring network adapter with 8 KB of ROM starting at segment
DC000 and 16 KB of RAM starting at D8000, enter the following statement in
For a token-ring network adapter with 8 KB of ROM starting at segment
CC000 and 16 KB of RAM starting at C8000, enter the following statement in
Edit CONFIG.SYS as follows (in this example, \LSP represents the path for
the LAN Support Program Custom files):
DEVICE=\LSP\DXMC0MOD.SYS ,C800 <other parameters>
The example shown includes NETBIOS because the NETBIOS device driver,
DXMT0MOD.SYS, is loaded.
NOTE: This configuration does not use DEVICEHIGH.
5.5.1 Using DEVICEHIGH= with DOS 5.0 Memory Management
You can use the DOS DEVICEHIGH= command with all LAN Support Program
Custom device drivers to take advantage of the DOS 5.0 memory management
features. Refer to the DOS 5.0 user's guide for more information about
this command.
For example, to use DEVICEHIGH= with the adapter enter the following
statements in CONFIG.SYS:
Important: You cannot use the Installation Aid to configure for
DEVICEHIGH. However, if you use the Installation Aid to reconfigure a
system that was previously using DEVICEHIGH, the DEVICEHIGH statements are
preserved if the drivers being loaded by DEVICEHIGH are still used in the
new configuration. If the driver is removed from the configuration, the
DEVICEHIGH statement for that driver is erased.
5.5.2 Task Switching from the DOS Shell
The LAN Support Program Custom does not maintain the LAN connection if you
run a program, such as Personal Communications/3270, from the DOS 5.0
shell and switch it out in order to use another application. However, if
you have another means of maintaining the LAN connection, such as the
PCS802.SYS driver supplied with Personal Communications/3270, the LAN
Support Program Custom allows it to be used.
5.6 Hints for Using Windows
The following hints may be useful when you use LAN Support Program Custom
Version 1.01 with Windows.
5.6.1 Handling an 802.2 Call
When a Windows application program sends a NETBIOS call to the LAN Support
Program Custom, Windows provides a mechanism to forward the call.
However, when a Windows application program sends an 802.2 call to the LAN
Support Program Custom, Windows has no mechanism to forward the call.
Some application programs that run in Windows, such as Personal
Communications/3270, provide a virtual device to handle 802.2 calls.
(Virtual device is represented by the acronym VxD. The x varies depending
upon the virtual device. For example, the virtual device might be a
display, a printer, or a network.)
The LAN Support Program Custom does not provide a generic 802.2 VxD to
handle 802.2 calls. Therefore, if 802.2-based application programs, such
as LAN Station Manager Version 1, are to be used with Windows, they can
use the 802.2 interface in the normal manner only if they are loaded as
TSR programs or device drivers before Windows is started.
5.6.2 Handling Application Programs Set Up for Foreground Execution
If a DOS application program running in a Windows environment is set up
only for foreground execution in its program information file (PIF), it
should not be swapped out. If such an application program is swapped out,
the LAN traffic for that application program may not be correctly
completed. The application program may fail when it is swapped back in.
To prevent this problem, take one of the following precautions:
1. Avoid setting up DOS application programs that run on the LAN for
foreground execution only.
2. If such programs are set up for foreground execution only, avoid
swapping them out.
5.6.3 Editing the Windows SYSTEM.INI File
Several entries in the Windows SYSTEM.INI file may need to be changed
based on your network software and QEMM-386 settings. For example, the
IBM PC LAN Program requires you to set INDOSpolling=TRUE in the [386enh]
section of SYSTEM.INI. Follow the instructions given in Windows or the
Windows Resource Kit and the QEMM-386 documentation when editing the
5.6.4 Preventing Windows from Attempting to Use Unavailable Memory
Windows is designed to query a memory manager, such as QEMM-386, to
determine what memory is still available after a memory manager has
finished loading up high memory. However, Windows may not always
correctly identify the high memory. You need to ensure that Windows does
not attempt to use memory that the memory manager has already loaded up.
To do this, use the ReservedHighArea or the EMMExclude parameter in the
Windows SYSTEM.INI file to exclude all the upper memory blocks being used
by the memory manager. Then, for QEMM-386, set the EMMPageFrame parameter
to whatever value QEMM-386 is using.
5.7 Hints for Using QEMM-386
Unless you have a reason to override the QEMM-386 installation defaults,
you should accept them. Use the QEMM-386 Optimize program to assign the
memory areas. You can run this program at the end of the installation of
QEMM-386, or restart your computer after the installation, and then invoke
When you run the Optimize program, it will try to load as many of your
drivers in upper memory as possible. If it finds that you do not have
enough upper memory, it asks if you want to try the Stealth option. The
Stealth option usually helps by freeing up a considerable amount of upper
memory with only a small performance penalty. If you have an adapter new
to QEMM-386, or not recognized by it, you have to modify the ADL file.
You can do this yourself by following the directions in the QEMM-386
documentation (Appendix D in version 6.02), or you can send the file to
Quarterdeck's bulletin board to have it updated.
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