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Drive Configuration Conflict Resolution

Drive Configuration Conflict Resolution

Note: When, on one or more channels, all configured (ONL/HSP) drives are shown as DDD, and all RDY/SBY/DHS devices are shown as EMP, then refer to Dead Channel Service Procedure.

Once the ServeRAID POST completes, register information appears on the screen in hexadecimal format, as follows:

 Hardware:  ISPR=aaaa  BCS=bb  ECS=cc

ISPR displays the four digit Interrupt Status Port Register code, BCS displays he Basic Configuration Status register code, and ECS displays the Extended Configuration Status register code.

If no errors occur:

 ISPR (aaaa)   = EF10
 BCS (bb)      = 0F or 09
 ECS (cc)      = 00

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