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Installing the background-server component for Windows NT 3.5 - IBM ServeRAID-3H and ServeRAID-3L Adapters

Installing the background-server component for Windows NT 3.5

This section provides instructions for installing the background-server components for Windows NT 3.5X.
     li.Insert the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette  into the diskette drive, then, type the following to  copy the IPSADM.EXE file to your hard disk:

           copy a:\nt3_5\ipsadm.exe c:\winnt\system32\ipsadm.exe

  1.  Press Enter.
  2.  Type the following to copy the IPSADM.ICO icon file to your hard disk:

           copy a:\nt3_5\ipsadm.ico c:\winnt\system32\ipsadm.ico

  3.  Press Enter.
  4.  Select a group or create a new group to store the program. For example, open the Administrative  Tools Group or create a new program group named IPSADM Admin-Monitor.
  5.  Click on File, click on New, click on Personal Item, and then click on OK.
  6.  Type the following information in the data fields:

    Description: IPSRAID Admin-Monitor
    Command Line: C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\IPSADM.EXE
    Working Dir: C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32

  7.  Click on Change Icon, then, click on OK in the information window.
  8.  Do one of the following:

  9.  Click on OK for the icon.
  10.  Click on OK for the Personal Item.
  11.  Double-click on the new icon to access the Administration and Monitoring Program.

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