Return to MAIN-Index  Return to SUB-Index    IBM-AUSTRIA - PC-HW-Support    30 Aug 1999

Software and Microcode Errors

Software and Microcode Errors

Some SRNs indicate that a problem might have been caused by a software error or by a microcode error. If you have one of these SRNs, do the following actions:
  1.  Make a note of the contents of the error log for the device that has the problem.
  2.  Go to the system service aids and select Display Vital Product Data to display the VPD of the failing system.
     Make a note of the VPD for all the SSA adapters and disk drives.
  3.  Report the problem to your support center.
     The center can tell you whether you have a known  problem, and can, if necessary, provide you with a correction for the software or microcode.

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