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Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 Installation

Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 Installation

To start the Service Processor Manager installation program on a system
that is running Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0:
  1.  Start the computer with the Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 operating system.
  2.  Place the Service Processor Manager for Windows 95 or Windows NT Installation Diskette
     into your system's diskette drive.
  3.  Click on the Start button.
  4.  Click on Run... from the Start button menu.
  5.  Type in the Command Line field


where A is the drive letter of the diskette drive and directory is the directory that corresponds to the operating system running on the computer (WIN95 or WINNT for Windows 95 and Windows NT, respectively), and then select OK.

To continue the installation, see 'Installing Service Processor Manager'.

Note: For additional information, review the README file on the Advanced System Management for Windows 95 or Windows NT Installation Diskette .

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