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Power Supply Status Indicators (Netfinity 7000 - 8651)

Power Supply Status Indicators

To determine the status of a power supply, examine the following indicators:

If the green Power-On light on the front of the server is on, and the amber Power-Failure light on the front of the server is off, all power supplies are operational.

If the green Power-On light on the front of the server is on, and the amber Power-Failure light on the front of the server is on, a power supply has failed. Check the lights on each of the power supplies.

NOTE: To ensure that the power supply is operational, both lights must be on. Also check the power up sequence, 'Power Up Sequence'.

The status conditions that the lights on the power supply indicate are:

AC Power
DC Power
On On The power supply is on and
operating correctly.
On Off Either the Power On/Off
button is in the Off position
(the Power-On light on the
front of the server is off and
the DC Power lights on all
the power supplies are off)
or this power supply has
failed (the DC Power light
on at least one of the power
supplies is on).
Off Off The server is not connected
to an active wall outlet.

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