IBM-AUSTRIA - PC-HW-Support 30 Aug 1999 |
Cooling-Failure Status Indicators (Netfinity 7000 - 8651)
Cooling-Failure Status Indicators
The cooling-failure light on the front of the server blinks slowly
if one of the fans fails or is predicted to fail (for example,
starts to slow down).
If more than one fan fails or if the ambient temperature
exceeds the warning threshold, the cooling-failure light will
blink rapidly, depending upon the version of system
management code, an error might be logged in the
system management error log.
If an ambient temperature exceeds the operating system
shutdown threshold, the cooling-fan light will continue to
blink rapidly, depending upon the version of system
management code, the operating system might start to
If an ambient temperature exceeds the server shutdown
threshold, the cooling-fan light will continue to blink rapidly
and the server will shutdown immediately.
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