BIOS Revision History

Bios name


AK11SR3E Initial bios for AK11 V3.2

1. Fix bank interleaving not enabled.
2. Open all realtek related skew adjustment options.
3. Update SIPROM
4. Remove clock skew and delay options
5. Set AGP fast write defaults enable.
6. Add more Write Data Delay from SYSDC to CPU Data Output in sip rom table
7. Update 100 FSB also as AK11SR3I.
8. Fix 100MFSB *14 cannot run 3DMark2001
9. Set driving=6dh when 3 slots with 6 bank dram
10. Fix 100 FSB and AC OFF then AC ON, FID setting will lost.

AK11SR3S  Update AMD CPU brand string for 1600+ to 1900+