Intel Service Provider 1.10 and Client Instrumentation 3.0 for Desktop Management Interface (DMI) 2.0 and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ====================================================================== Readme Contents =============== A. Folder Contents and Overview B. Software Requirements and Install File Locations C. Uninstall Procedure D. Compilation (Installation) of the MIF/MIB Files E. Supported Standards F. New Features in this Release G. Specific Application Notes H. Known Issues A. Folder Contents and Overview ================================= This folder contains Intel Client Instrumentation for DMI Ver 3.0 for: Microsoft* Windows NT* 4.0 with Service Pack 3 including NDIS HotFix or with a subsequent Service Pack Windows* 95 (NDIS drivers only) Windows 98 and Windows 2000. This folder contains the MIF and MIB files your management software will need to view in order to view the Intel(r) adapter functions. The DMI 2.0 SP SDK v1.10 (Service Provider) setup program is located under DMI-SNMP\Win32_SP on the CD. This must be installed prior to the Intel Client Instrumentation for DMI Version 3.0 The Intel DMI 2.0 Service Provider (SP) and Client Instrumentation 3.0 for Windows (CI) are updated software modules that allow standards-based DMI 2.0 and SNMP management applications, including Intel's LANDesk(R) Client Manager, to monitor the status of PCI adapters. The drivers included in this folder can be used to view both single adapter information and custom information on the latest features of Intel adapters including AFT/ALB Teaming, VLAN, and Flow Control. SNMP support is not available for Windows 9x (limited to Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000). Otherwise, the DMI and SNMP information available is identical since the SNMP information is derived via an approved DMI to SNMP mapping technique. The only difference is that DMI applications read the included MIF file and SNMP applications read the included MIB files. B. Software Requirements and Install File Locations ==================================================== The software requirements to run the Intel DMI 2.0 Service Provider and Client Instrumentation are: - A Windows 9x or NT based operating system including Windows 2000. - Microsoft's SNMP Service (installed and running) is required in order to access the instrumentation under SNMP. It is not required if only DMI access is desired. SNMP Service for Win 98 is on the Windows98 CD at \Tools\Reskit\Netadmin\SNMP - Any Intel NDIS PCI adapter driver. Intel Client Instrumentation supports all Intel PCI PRO/100, PRO/100+ and PRO/1000 adapters. If you are running an NDIS based driver under Windows NT 4.0, there is no need to install any new drivers to get DMI and SNMP support. However, if you are planning to use adapter teaming features including AFT and ALB, you must use the latest NDIS drivers as provided on the adapter CD. The Service Provider must be installed in order to use the Intel DMI Instrumentation. However, the instrumentation may be installed either before or after installing the Service Provider. If you have a Service Provider later than Version 2.0 already installed, you do not need to install the Service Provider from this CD. To install the Intel Client Instrumentation (this is not order dependent): - Make sure the SNMP Service is started, if SNMP access is desired. (Check in the Services list) - Run DMI-SNMP\WIN32_SP\SETUP.EXE (to install the Service Provider) - Restart the system. This is required for the Service Provider to start. - Run DMI-SNMP\WIN32\INSTALL.EXE (to install the Client Instrumentation) - Restart the computer if prompted. The programs may show installed but they will not run correctly until any requested reboots are done. (They may also be installed through Windows Control Panel Add/Remove Programs.) Contact your Network Administrator if you need help with installation. To install the actual MIB and MIF provided information for the Intel adapter, you must use your Management Software (see Section E). The install for this release of the Intel DMI and SNMP instrumentation has a silent mode. No dialog boxes are produced for the silent mode. In the silent mode, all output goes to a user definable log file. In order to use the silent mode, execute the following command line executable from the directory with the installation files: install.exe snmpinst.exe nocopy forceinstall logfile=c:\mylog.txt The inclusion of the logfile parameter is what forces the silent install. The command must be given from the source directory, such as \dmi-snmp\win32\ on the installation disk. C. Uninstall Procedure ====================== To properly uninstall the Client Instrumentation, the Service Provider software must still be running. Then go to Add/Remove Software in the Windows Control Panel and select "Intel Client Instrumentation for DMI and SNMP" and click the Remove button. After Intel Client Instrumentation is gone from this list, you may remove the Service Provider software through the Start Programs menu. MIBs and MIFs usually do not require removal, but if you should wish to remove the Intel specific files, see the documentation for your Management application. D. Compilation (Installation) of the MIF/MIB Files =================================================== SNMP: In order to access the Intel adapter specific data through the Intel Client Instrumentation, you must use your management application to load (compile) the following files: - INTEL.MIB - DMTF-DMI.MIB, - INTELNIC.MIB (all located in the \DMI-SNMP\WIN32 directory). The DMTF-DMI.MIB and INTEL.MIB files should be loaded before loading INTELNIC.MIB. If you have already installed another version of INTEL.MIB, use the INTEL.MIB with the most recent file date. Read the documentation for your management application for more information on how to load MIB files. If you receive an error message when trying to compile these MIB files, it may be that your management software may not include sufficient or recent enough supporting MIB files. Please contact your management application provider if you believe this is the case. DMI: In order to access the Intel adapter specific data through the Intel Client Instrumentation, you may need to load the NI_NIC.MIF file. Read the documentation for your management application for more information on how to load MIF files. E. Supported Standards ====================== The Intel Client Instrumentation Version 2.0 fully supports the DMI 2.0 specification and has support for Ether-Like SNMP MIB files. At this time there are no user SETs. There are sets in the IBM Failover Adapter Table Group that are required by the IBM Hotplug process but there is no user set allowed. Only the following events listed in the ni_nic.mif and intelnic.mib are currently supported: - Cable unplugged/No LAN activity - Adapter initialization failure - AFT/ALB events (Adapter Fault Tolerance/Adaptive Load Balancing) F. New Features in this Release =============================== - DMI Events and SNMP Traps - Support for AFT/ALB management (Windows NT 4 and Windows 2000 only) - Support for VLAN management (Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 only) - Support for Flow Control and TCO management - Support for specifying custom solutions and thresholds in the NI_NIC.DAT file in the system directory. G. Specific Application Notes: ============================== 1. In HP* OpenView* Network Node Manager*, use "Event Config" to configure the events. For example, to configure the "Cable Unplugged" event, - select "intelNICHEALTHEvt2", - then go to the "Modify Events" menu item. - select the Action as "Log and Display in Category" and - specify an appropriate category. - Then in the Event Log message, enter "Cable unplugged $*". H. Known Issues =============== 1. In order to use Hewlett Packard* OpenView* Network Node Manager* with the Intel Client Instrumentation, you must use Ver 6.0 or later or Release 5.0x with consolidated patch NM_00046.EXE. This patch can be downloaded from: 2. Known Problems in Installation and Uninstallation Order: a. To remove the Intel DMI 2.0 Service Provider after installing the Intel Client Instrumentation, you must uninstall the Intel Client Instrumentation first. b. Version 3.0 of the Intel Client Instrumentation may not install correctly over an existing Version 1.0 of the Intel DMI Network Adapter Instrumentation Layer. The Uninstall feature may not work correctly after upgrading so please uninstall Ver 1.0 BEFORE upgrading. In order to install Version 3.0 correctly, please use the documented Uninstall procedures for Version 1.0. c. If the TCP/IP protocol is removed after installing the Client Instrumentation, you must reinstall the Client Instrumentation again after you reinstall TCP/IP. d. If your Microsoft SNMP Service is removed after installing the Client Instrumentation, you must reinstall the Client Instrumentation after you reinstall the Microsoft SNMP Service. e. With Windows NT 4.0 SP3 and SP4, if you install Microsoft SNMP Service after installing the Service Pack, you may receive the error "Entrypoint SnmpSvcGetEnterpriseOID could not be located in snmpapi.dll." To fix the problem, you will need to reinstall that Service Pack or preferably install the latest Service Pack available. (This is a known and documented issue with Service Pack 3 and 4. Details are available from Microsoft at: readme.asp Read the section under 3.0 USER NOTES, 3.2 Adding New Components to the System.) Another Microsoft noted error associated with Service Pack 4 and fixed in Service Pack 5 is "SNMP.EXE Exception: access violation.." 3. Windows 2000 issues a. Please set your SNMP service to manual start, then reboot your Windows 2000 system. The Intel Client Instrumentation for DMI and SNMP will start the service as needed. --------------------------------------------------------------- * Other product and corporate names may be trademarks of other companies and are used only for explanation and to the owner's benefit, without intent to infringe. Readme version 12-07-99