- Released Date: 10/05/2000
- First release for SE6 2.0.
- Fixes the sluggish issue on USB2 port with a USB mouse.
- Fixes system hang up issue with a USB keyboard.
- Fixes system hange up issue under DOS after press the print screen button.
- Fixes the unworkable issue with 677(133) Mhz.
- Supports the VIA Cyrix III Samuel CPU.
- Supports the maximum CPU core voltage up to 1.9V.
se6vk.exe - Released Date:10/31/2000
- Fixes test fail issue on Floppy and Game Port.
- Fixes the unstable issue on STR function.
- Updates the BIOS of internal VGA.
se6sw.exe - Released Date:07/06/2000
- Fixes SCSI HDD detection problem when booting from SCSI CD-ROM and executing FDISK.
- Supports 512MB memory modules.
- Sets the In-Order Queue Depth default to 4, increasing the integrated video performance.
se6sk.exe - Released Date:06/19/2000
- First release.