- Released Date:04/10/1998
- First release.
bx6cw.exe - Released Date:04/17/1998
- Supports Soft Menu II
- Supports SDRAM CAS Lattency Time in BIOS
bx6dl.exe - Released Date:05/11/1998
- Correction for Intel Celeron parameters.
- Correction for DRAM parameters and expanded support for more types of DRAM.
bx6eg.exe - Released Date:07/28/1998
- Supports some kinds of display cards with the chipset of Mpact 2.
- Allows insertion of more than one display card on the mainboard & add s an Init Display First option in the BIOS for user to choose the primary display card.
- Supports the Celeron 300 & 333 CPUs with built-in cache.
bx6gq.exe - Released Date:10/20/1998
- Supports ACPI functin.
bx6gx.exe - Released Date:11/23/1998
- Updates the K/B default setting to 8Mhz to fix Micorsoft Elite K/Bs.
- Changes the ACPI default setting to disable.
bx6hv.exe - Released Date:01/25/1999
- Fixes the NEC ATAPI ZIP drive incompatibility problem.
- Supports the Intel Pentium III 450 and 500 Mhz (Katmai) CPU.
- Supports the Intel Celeron 366 Mhz up to 400 Mhz compliance.
- Supports up to an 8x clock multiplier.
- Solves the problem of Windows98 not being able to shut-down properly when the ACPI function is enabled.
- Supports DMI 2.3 . You have to input the parameter /CD to Clear DMI pool data while updating the BIOS. (e.g. A:\AWDFLASH NEWBIOS /PY /SN /CC /CD)
For Pentium III (Katmai) users, the BIOS will indicate PII EVEN if it is a PIII because the code was finished just prior to the unveiling of the new PIII name for the Katmai. This will be corrected in the next BIOS.
bx6jl.exe - Released Date:02/12/1999
- Supports Socket 370 Celeron 433 Mhz CPU.
- Supports correct naming of Pentium III CPU.
bx6lw.exe - Released Date:07/07/1999
- Supports Celeron 466 Mhz CPU.
- Supports P III 550 CPU.
- Fixes the Y2K RTC function.
bx6mp.exe - Released Date:07/23/1999
- Fixes the password function.
- Supports Socket 370 Celeron 500 Mhz CPU.
bx6mx.exe - Released Date:12/20/1999
- Supports Celeron 533Mhz(66Mhz FSB) CPUs.
- Supports PIII 600Mhz(100Mhz FSB) CPUs.
- Supports 40GB harddisks and above, However we aren't quite sure what the precise capacity is, since the current maximun harddisk on the market is 40GB.
bx6qs.exe - Released Date:03/10/2000
- Fixes the incorrect capacity issue under Linux.
- Fixes the incompatibility issue with W2K.