The Infamous R6003 Run Time Error
In Clipper Applications (cached page)

Due to so many questions on R6003 Run Time Error on Clipper application when running under speedy CPU such as Pentium, Andi Jahja decided to put a writing on this error which was originally written by Ray Pesek. Files for fixing this error are available from links at the bottom of this page.

The enclosed object file __WAIT_B.OBJ is used to fix a problem with Clipper applications terminating at start up with either an "R6003 divide by zero" message or no error message at all. This problem has recently reared it's head with the advent of new advanced design microprocessors. These new design CPUs run "software timing loops" so rapidly that a software timing loop module which is part of Nantucket Tools II and CA-Tools III cannot work as designed. Not all Tools functions use the software timing loop, but it appears to be linked into your application if you're using either the CTUS.OBJ or CTUSP.OBJ extended drivers. A few people have reported this problem without having CTUS.OBJ or CTUSP.OBJ linked in (such as the MILLISEC() function).

The two processors currently exhibiting this condition are the AMD K5 and Cyrix 6x86. As of this writing, AMD apparently has no "fix" of their own, while Cyrix has a "fix" posted on their web site at Cyrix Home Page. Their fix consists of an executable named PIPELOOP.EXE that is run from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and causes timing loops to be slowed down. Another "fix" is to turn off the internal cache, which will significantly degrade all performance. Please note this problem is not caused by a defect in the CPUs.

Just add __WAIT_B.OBJ to your link script ahead of the libraries and ahead of the Tools IIIb extended driver file, if used.

PIPELOOP.EXE from Cyrix is no longer needed. It's been tested on Clipper 5.2 and 5.3 (see note below). It should work on 5.01a as well, but no one has reported using it on that version. There's no need to maintain a separate program version for Intel processors. It works fine on all brands of CPUs. So far.

The file name itself isn't significant. It's just a new name to differentiate it from earlier versions.


CA has now released their own fix for this problem in the 5.3b patch in the form of an object file named __WAIT_4.OBJ. I did some quick tests and found it seems to work OK in 5.2 also, but as usual, use it at your own risk.


As of June 1997, only one compatibility issue has come up. If you're using the Tools IIIb function MILLISEC() and have a delay of less than 256 milliseconds, it no longer works.

I tested the 5.3b patch file __WAIT_4.OBJ in a 5.2e application and the MILLISEC() function provides the same delays as without a patch file. If you really need the MILLISEC() function in your 5.01a or 5.2e application, you should try testing __WAIT_4.OBJ instead of __WAIT_B.OBJ. The object file can be extracted from the 5.3b patch by using the command PATCH 53A_B /IGNOREMISSING. This will create a subdirectory named \OBJ and you'll find the object file in it.


Several years ago, when the "fast" 486/66 CPU was released, this problem started occurring among users of Nantucket Tools II. Someone on the CompuServe ClipGer forum figured out the problem and released an object file named __WAIT.OBJ. It worked perfectly.

When the same problem resurfaced with the AMD and Cyrix chips, __WAIT.OBJ was tried and found to fix the problem when running in real mode, but not protected mode. When this was discovered, a protected mode version of __WAIT.OBJ was created by Ryszard Glab and posted on the comp.lang.clipper newsgroup.

Subsequently it was found this protected mode __WAIT.OBJ module had occasional GPF problems when used with specific nation module files and the German language version. Malc Shedden of BlinkInc volunteered to undertake the project to rewrite this module and the result is __WAIT_B.OBJ, which is real, protected, and Blinker dual mode compatible. Since it was released, it's been tested by dozens of persons and it has fixed the problem 100% of the time, with only one compatibility issue found (see above). However, keep in mind that it certainly has not have been tested in all conceivable environments. If you find a problem, please report it.


Ray Pesek

Files Download
Download __WAIT.OBJ
Download __WAIT_B.OBJ
Download __WAIT_4.OBJ

These files also available from the Oasis

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Latest Update : 17 August 1998
Andi Jahja